How to become a Good leader?

To become a leader one who must possess these two qualities, one of the heart and the other of the head that is- Sensitivity and Sensibility.

We often see people who are very sensible but at the same time not sensitive. This is so because they are so focused on reason and on being rational and logical.

Then there are those who are very sensitive. They are so fragile that at the drop of a hat, tears come into their eyes. However, they are not sensible enough.

People who lack both sensibility and sensitivity at the same time can find it hard to be a better leader.

Thus to become a better leader, one must have a balance of both – Heart(Sensibility) and (Mind)Sensitivity as we are all made up of these two most fundamental features of life.

Better leaders must have Sensitivity and Sensibility in today’s world because we need softness, strength, and perseverance to run an organization successfully.

In today’s highly competitive and complex working conditions a good leader must have deep bonds with his/her workers. People in working conditions as today know that to survive they must trust their boss as well as each other.

As a leader in an organization, you should have the heart and mind to motivate your people to get things done.

How can we be a good leader?

A good leader in a workplace should not be like a football coach with a whistle around his neck, but he/she must be more like a belayer encouraging the climbers to reach the next goal.

Companies with ample resources, however, can afford to use fear as a motivator and absorb the cost of more frequent hirings and firings but such approach usually ends up being memorialized in case studies of shuttered businesses and failed leaders.

One of the reasons why impersonal leadership fails would be that most of us are hostages at work in different ways such as to emotions, anxiety, fear, and ambition.

To escape from various emotional hostage situations, we need a secure base — a person, place, goal that provides an area of protection, gives a source of energy and a sense of comfort.

It is essential for leaders to motivate people to respond to changing goals and circumstances.

When it comes to employees making the change, they do not resist change itself but the discomfort of change and fear of the unknown that comes with it. It leads many employees to think more carefully, to hold back, and not to pursue success and to play to succeed. In the workplace thus leaders who show concern and interest in their employees’ lives and a predictable set of rules, create a healthy affection which empowers others to embrace the prospects of pursuing success.

Steps to becoming good leader-

  • Not feeling connected to others creates pain and discomfort of loneliness which is similar to physical pain. In fact, some of the brain regions that react to physical pain also respond to “social pain” — the sad feelings associated with social rejection or loss. Therefore feeling connected is intrinsically rewarding to the brain. That’s because our brains evolved to value social attachment greatly. Such insights help leaders to work with people’s tendencies and strengths, rather than against them.
  • Never Isolate an employee with authoritative demands and intimidation because it triggers a sense of isolation, threat, fear and the brain slams the brakes on the prefrontal cortex and makes it harder for people to think productively.
  • Developing secure attachments at work is having support figures present during experiences of stress that helps the people stay relaxed and reduces threat responses. Strong bonds thus can help teams survive and thrive in crisis situations. Supporting is also psychologically rewarding to those who provide it while also generating a sense of reward and connection.
  • As a leader of any enterprise, the leader, and his team will be tested. Therefore a leader must explore the power of personal leadership as Intellect and emotions both have their unique place both in personal & professional life.

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