What is the importance of workplace culture in organisations and effective team leaders?

From earlier write-ups on aspects related to work culture, we must have known by now that every organisation has its own distinct culture. Considering the number of hours team leaders and employees spend at their workplace, their organisation’s work culture obviously affects both their personal and work lives.

Organizational culture means the values, principles, beliefs, and ideologies that the team leaders and individuals of an organisation share among themselves. This workplace culture is a decisive factor in the success of the organisation.

Characteristics of an effective team leader and workplace culture sheds more light on why both are important

Defines the identity of an organisation and company goals

  • The work culture of an institution defines the most important thing, i.e., its identity and company goals.
  • The way an organisation functions is determined by its culture and is recognised by the effective leadership, employees, its clients and the customers.
  • The values and beliefs of an entity contribute the most to the brand image by which it becomes known and respected.
  • An effective team leader will always set a conducive work culture for the company goals and its employees.

Effective team leader creates such a workplace culture that Instructs and Directs

  • The effective leader makes such a workplace culture that often guides, direct and lays specific instructions that contribute to the organisational culture, company goal and give its employees the motivation to move forward accomplishing the tasks.
  • Each employee knows his/her roles and responsibilities and how to achieve tasks before the set time. T
  • hus a leader also empowers its employees along with the organisation.

Both effective leadership and positive work culture helps maintain uniformity

importance of workplace culture in organisations

Organizational culture set up by effective leadership and employees together very efficiently helps to keep uniformity among employees belonging to different demographics.

  • A shared culture at the workplace develops a sense of unity, understanding, better communication and less conflict among the employees.
  • It also encourages equality by assuring that no employee is undervalued in the workplace.

Both assist in building loyalty towards the organisation

Organizational culture keeps the employees motivated and loyal towards the organization and towards the organisational goals. The organisational environment created by effective and efficient leadership along with a positive work culture where employees become a crucial part of their respective organisation’s culture makes them more eager to contribute to the entity’s success and achieve company’s desired objectives.

Keeps the spirit of competition intact

  • Workplace culture and a good leader helps maintain healthy competition among the employees. Because of the sense of competition employees strive to perform their best.
  • Their strong desire to obtain recognition and appreciation from their superiors helps increase the quality of their work, which helps the organisation prosper and flourish.

How Organizational Culture empowers and affects Employee Performance?

Organizational culture plays a crucial role by providing a framework regarding the behaviour of employees in their workplace. The type of culture present in an organisation has the most significant influence in empowering and enhancing employee performance.

Following are few organizational work conditions that either result in positive or negative employee performance.

  • An organizational culture where employees are made an integral part of the growth process, in turn, encourages employee commitment towards the organisation.
  • Employees align their aims and objectives with those of the organization and feel responsible for the overall growth and development of the organisation.
  • The efforts put in by the employees if appreciated by the management and suitably rewarded give immense job satisfaction.
  • Healthy organisational cultures encourage the employees to stay committed to accomplishing their goals and also positively affecting on the overall performance of the organisation.

Where do organizations lack to build a positive workplace culture?

  • Organisations where leaders are taskmasters and not facilitators force the employees to work with fear and distrust. In such an atmosphere work is nothing more than a dreary chore and employees do not get involved in the overall organisational goals.
  • An organisation where various departments lack in cooperation ends up having employees working towards weakening the efforts of the other units which is harmful to the growth and development of the organization.

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