
Why Coaching and Mentoring is Important

Why Coaching and Mentoring is Important

Coaching and mentoring in today’s time, its effectiveness and various benefits! Coaching and mentoring have become increasingly necessary in today’s time. It is being used for both personal and professional development. Mentoring/Coaching helps to build a positive and concrete change in individuals and to boost the transfer of knowledge from the coach/mentor to the individual. […]

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effective team leader

What is the importance of workplace culture in organisations and effective team leaders?

From earlier write-ups on aspects related to work culture, we must have known by now that every organisation has its own distinct culture. Considering the number of hours team leaders and employees spend at their workplace, their organisation’s work culture obviously affects both their personal and work lives. Organizational culture means the values, principles, beliefs,

What is the importance of workplace culture in organisations and effective team leaders? Read More »

behavioral training modules

How can we obtain organizational goals by enhancing employee skills through behavioral training modules?

Skill improvement through behavioral training modules Today learning and training has become a strategic component of the strategic HR mission of business leaders as well as HR executives in an organisation. Leveraging integrated talent applications to drive optimal employee performance is also trending these days. Off late out of many behavioral training modules e-learning has

How can we obtain organizational goals by enhancing employee skills through behavioral training modules? Read More »

Behavioral skills, specific skill and positive work culture

Ensure a Positive Work Culture in the workplace through behavioral skills

Having a positive workplace culture depends a lot on the behavioural skill of the leader and the employees working for the organisation. A positive work culture derived out of the behavioral skills of the team leader leads an organisation and its employees towards improved productivity, higher employee morale and the ability to keep the skilled

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leadership development coach

Are you responsible enough to be a leadership development coach?

Defining a leader The simplest way to define a leader is any person who is responsible for or in charge of a group of employees/people. An individual who motivate others with an inspiring vision and set a path/direction towards something new, dynamic and exciting. He can be a manager, entrepreneur, supervisor, or an executive. Read

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What affects work culture

Work culture – what makes it valuable in a workplace

Whether it is leadership skill discussions or organizational behavior talks, we have always been faced with numerous views on “work culture”. What is it? How does it affect the working of a company or team? Some views… Culture can be best described as the character and personality of your organization. A culture comprises certain beliefs,

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Soft skills also known as people skills

Sharpen your Soft Skills

Soft skills also known as people skills are, in today’s working environment, an essential requirement. The technical skills/hard skills are important, but soft skills are what helps improve efficiency and effectiveness in the people. The blend of social, communication and interpersonal skills, attitudes, social and emotional intelligence, career attributes and character traits, Soft skills are

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Leadership Styles and The Effect on Organization

Leadership Styles and The Effect on Organization

While there has been almost a historical aversion to the notion of leadership a lot depends on the capability of leaders to make decisions regarding the direction, focus, and intensity of their organizational efforts. Simplistically, leadership can be defined as the capacity of leaders to respond effectively. For much of history, organizations have struggled to

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Strong business results

For strong business results-Know the difference Coaching makes!

What separates the winner from the losers? What gets some organizations strong business results? It is not always about talent as at the most elite levels everyone is supremely talented. It is, therefore, the difference coaching makes. Coaching is not just important, it is, in fact, the X-factor that makes a big difference in the

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